Turkey Sharks #4


  • Default
  • Stingray Helmet Cover ($10.00)
  • Tornado Kid Helmet Cover ($10.00)
  • Tyler Jay Haddox Mordecai Domingo Cover ($10.00)

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Okay, so like where were we and stuff...oh yeah! Cornelius West hired the Merciful Gang to hunt down the Turkey Sharks. That's not good. Um...Buddy killed a ton of groundhogs and then got hammered with Zebo and Ginger Avenger. Ray and Marc murdered the last known Cetis, save one, that came down to kill us all. Miranda doesn't know what to do now that she's alive again. So now you're caught up on nine grand worth of comic stories. Dive in for more stuff that will happen. Grab the A cover, OR check out one of the limited print run variant covers! And, Josh Nealis will sign every book that leaves here, so don't forget to add on a COA for just $1.



  • Availability

  • Stingray Helmet Cover ($10.00)

  • Tornado Kid Helmet Cover ($10.00)

  • Tyler Jay Haddox Mordecai Domingo Cover ($10.00)